“I feel very grateful when I realize that good people have come into my life and that they want good for those who are around them. This work, the whole idea, is very beautiful, to help people feel better and to relate better and together to transform the world”
Claudia Cruz, co-founder of Corridaamiga (Running Friends)
So magazine Australia did an interview with Claudia Stuchi Cruz to introduce their readers to the concept of Corridaamiga.
Run Commuter does features on different Run Commuters
This one features Claudia Stuchi Cruz, Corridaamiga’s Australian Coordinator.
Corridaamiga Founder Sylvia Cruz on Brazil’s “Friendly Running” Initiative
This extensive interview with Silvia Stuchi Cruz gives an indepth understanding of Corridaamiga.
Get inspired by the stories of Run Commuters around the world
This article shows how Corridaamiga is helping people achieve this. And features a few Australian runners.