Who are we?

We are a network of volunteers who inspire people to exchange the car for sports shoes. Delighted by the freedom and autonomy that travelling on foot provides, we believe it transforms the relationship with yourself, with the people and with the city.

CorridaAmiga is an initiative that brings together people, encouraging them to use their feet as a means of transport, amassing multiple benefits, such as optimizing time, improvements to the health, cost savings and contribution to the environment.

Our History

Based on the concept of urban micro-revolutions, CorridaAmiga was born in 2014 when the founder of CorridaAmiga, Silvia Stuchi Cruz, returned to Brazil after having lived a year in Europe. She felt the urgent need not only to use her feet as a means of transport, but also to inspire others to use this as an alternative way to tackle the daily obstacles of urban mobility.

Upon returning to Brazil, inspired by Bike Angel (leave the link available), Silvia found in businessman Renato Mello the strength and enthusiasm needed to put into practice the idea - connecting experienced runners to people who wish to introduce run commuting into their day to day life.

The inspiration for those who run, and who promote this means of transport, has it’s roots in personal experience, as they live the health benefits of running, as well as seeing its potential as a solution to problems common to large cities: excessive traffic, noise and environmental pollution, too much time spent on short trips and lack of time for physical activity.

Corrida Amiga has been spreading throughout the country, connecting more than 400 people in 15 different cities of Brazil. In 2015 the initiative became international, with its establishment in Australia; Corridaamiga.au.


What motivates us

Our mission is to inspire people to start the practice of walking and running as a means of transport providing improved quality of life to those who practice and improvements in their surroundings.

We believe that projects like ours are unending, that is, will always be crucial and will be part of a permanent system of solutions and ideas that improve mobility in large cities.

Corridaamiga and its active commuting mission is a one-way street, no return.


Our way, that gives us direction

Travelling on foot is, in essence, sustainable mobility - it does not emit pollutants and is healthy. CorridaAmiga therefore is a catalyst for social change, because of its direct action with people and their needs, being a reference and solution in urban mobility, supporting the construction of a sustainable society.


  • Focus on citizen's daily life, from the perspective of active mobility, combating inactive lifestyles;
  • Encourage people to see their own city, breaking down boundaries and fostering the perception of the need for more walkable and accessible cities;
  • Connect people and establish healthier human relationships;
  • Mobilize public policies regarding accessibility and urban mobility;
  • Promote opportunities for well-being and time saving, as reasons to decide to try this means of travel.